Lunch with Krishnamurti I

During the years when I knew him — from 1975 until his death in 1986 — Krishnamurti spent about three months each year in Ojai.  He would usually arrive sometime in February and leave around mid-May.  During this period, he took his lunch daily in the long dining room...


Yogi Berra, the great catcher for the New York Yankees, was known for his illogical statements that somehow made perfect sense.  For example, “Nobody goes to that restaurant any more — it’s too crowded.”  Or, “It ain’t over...

Meeting Krishnamurti

I met Krishnamurti for the first time about five or six weeks into the opening of the first year of the Oak Grove School.  At that time, I was the school’s only academic teacher.  One of the consultants to the school was a professor at UCLA who had attended a...

A Little Respect

One of Krishnamurti’s personal characteristics consisted of meticulous attention to good grooming, good taste in clothes, and all the aspects of personal appearance.  This trait could possibly be attributed to vanity, but he regarded it as a courtesy to other...

Krishnamurti and the Coronavirus

One might imagine that Krishnamurti would have little to say about an event like the coronavirus epidemic that is fundamentally medical and biological.  Moreover, he is not present to make his own contribution, so we have to speculate about what he might say. ...

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